Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Naval wargaming

The local gaming group seems to be moving in the direction of putting together a proper an epic Team Yankee campaign (full-15mm-scale) based on Red Storm Rising and modelling the outbreak of WW3.

Working independently, I started planning for Cold War naval and aerial wargaming in the North Atlantic/Arctic area, particularly the GIUK gap. The air warfare rules will be simple - I've already settled upon AirWar C21. For the naval aspect, a set of rules called Shipwreck! (yes I think it has the exclamation mark in it's official name) look promising as they seem simple enough, yet covering all aspects I expect I will need. The rules are available from Wargames Vault, are reviewed on Boardgame Geek, and have a Yahoo Group.

In preparation, and as an experiment with naval basing using magnetic strip, tile and textured Selleys, I have done up a single civilian craft (1/3000 scale from Navwar miniature).

Behold - my smallest-scale miniature yet - the fishing trawler, the (not-so-vast) Bering Sea!