The Battlefleet Gothic 'club' here played a tournament. Three games, nine players, a lot of fun. I managed to come second (though admittedly not all of the nine players got the full three games).
Falcon Guard Main Fleet: 1,000 point Tournament List
For the Tournament List I decided to try out a Battle Barge-centred 'Death Star' or bombardment cannon firepower. Fleet Master Arturuzius, with one re-roll and a Terminator Honour Guard. would lead the fleet on the Falcon Guard flagship Mormaer. Accompanying the Battle Barge were Strike Cruiser Angel Sinistre and Bombardment Strike Cruiser Vigil of Caliban. These would all make use of the Chapter Tactic Siege Cannon to maximise the effectiveness of their bombardment cannon (at the expense of reduced standard weapons battery effectiveness). A Veteran Honour Guard would conduct teleport raids from Angel Sinistre, while three Hunter destroyers rounded out the list.
The fleet - three capital ships and three escorts, with capacity to launch five Thunderhawk squadrons, whose main role is CAP and torpedo interception (Models 3d printed locally). |
The bridge of the Mormaer, the Falcon Guard flagship, featuring a sinister angel figurehead with hand-painted wyvern shield design. |
Vigil of Caliban - Strike Cruiser upgraded with additional bombardment cannon to support planetary assaults (and they're handy against ships too). |
Angel Sinistre, a standard fitout Strike Cruiser. |
The Tournament Battles
Battle 1: An Unexpected Encounter
Responding to unreliable reports of Xenos activity in a system nearby the Joltus Imperial Navy sector, the Falcon Guard fleet dispersed to search for the enemy. Suddenly, a Drukhari fleet sprung from behind asteroid fields and nebulae to ambush the Battle Barge! Angel Sinistre and Vigil of Caliban rushed to support, quickly followed by the Hunter destroyers, while Mormaer alternately manoeuvred and braced to avoid being overwhelmed and destroyed by the concentrated enemy forces.
Despite taking substantial damage and suffering a raid from Drukhari hit-and-run raids and a boarding attempt, Mormaer was able to fight off several volleys and comprehensively defeat the boarders while the Hunters and Strike Cruisers hit the enemy hard, including teleporting Marines aboard one of the Drukhari capital ships. Thunderhawks skilfully intercepted waves of enemy bombers and assault boats. However, Vigil of Caliban, under the unfortunate Ship Master Lucian, was crippled and disengaged.
Several Drukhari escorts were eliminated and both enemy capital ships were crippled, leading to a minor victory for the Falcon Guard. The Drukhari have not been driven from the system, but they took losses from which they will struggle to recover.
The Drukhari ambush is sprung on the Battle Barge Mormaer. |
The Strike Cruisers and Hunters smash into the Dark Eldar, while Mormaer can finally bring her guns to bear. |
Battle 2: Sink the Bismarck
Remaining in the system, it became necessary to put down a local rebellion. The rebel forces included a substantial naval force of Imperial cruisers, including a Dictator Class Cruiser-Carrier. Ship Master Lucian, who had been in command of the Vigil of Caliban when it was forced to disengage in the prior battle, was now placed in command of the Angel Sinistre and told to redeem himself in the upcoming battle.
The rebel Imperial Navy rebel fleet and the Falcon Guard basically all charged into the centre of the battle area, navigating around nebulae, a small planet and an unexpected warp rift (that's the pile of multi-coloured poker chips). The rebels were able to destroy the three Hunters with a spread of torpedoes, and inflict some damage to the Mormaer. However, the Falcon Guard bombardment cannon inflicted significant damage on several enemy cruisers, causing some to disengage and crippling the enemy flagship, a Dictator Class Cruiser-Carrier.
The Angel Sinistre, commanded by disgraced Leadership 8 Ship Master Lucian, boarded and finished off the enemy flagship before being rammed and crippled in turn by another enemy cruiser. Fleet Master Arturuzius did not consider Lucian's actions to be sufficient to redeem his shame.
However, the Falcon Guard had achieved a crushing victory over the enemy fleet.
The Falcon Guard fleet advances into the centre of the enemy, as the Cobra torpedo boats hide behind the small planet. |
Angel Sinistre boards and destroys or captures the stricken enemy flagship (before being rammed and crippled herself). |
Battle 3: Supply Run
In the final battle, the Falcon Guard faced off against another ground of Xenos - the T'au - as they both attempted to drop off reinforcement ground units and supplies onto the small contested planet in the system. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of this battle, despite the awesome-looking green and red T'au stingray ships.
The Battle Barge and Strike Cruisers sustained some damage but were able to destroy three T'au light cruisers and an escort in return. Ship Master Lucian did moderately well but will still be sent on a penitent crusade. He will be given command of a small squadron, possibly including the rebel Dictator Class Cruiser if its hulk can be repaired.
The result was a draw. The T'au managed to transport slightly more troops and supplies to the planet surface, and the ground battle there will no doubt continue to rage. However, the entire surviving T'au fleet, having delivered it's cargo, opted to disengage rather than stick around and sustain damage, so the Falcon Guard remained in control of the space around the contested planet. Considering the strength of the bombardment cannon, this will no doubt be a great help to the human forces on the planet.
It was great to get the Falcon Guard Astartes fleet on the table again, and to try some different tactics with my newly painted Battle Barge. The Siege Cannon Chapter Tactic can be incredibly effective, although the bombardment cannon are sometimes underwhelming if you're unlucky. I probably did the most damage with boarding actions - the Battle Barge is nearly unstoppable if it's relatively fresh. Speaking of which, it's an all-eggs-in-one-basket situation taking a Battle Barge in a 1000 point list ad definitely limits tactical flexibility. It might also be somewhat inefficient, because I felt I needed to brace regularly to protect it from damage, but this also halved it's firepower upon which my battle plan relied.
Honour Guard and Terminators rarely got the chance to conduct teleport attacks and usually achieved no lasting effect even when they did. Though I'll still probably bring them for the thematics (and they're useful if you have 10 points left over).
Hunter destroyers are probably necessary to cover more space and ensure the enemy does not completely outmanoeuvre and outrun this fleet, but they are significantly more vulnerable and we can expect to lose a few in any hard-fought engagement.