In Part 2 of the Syrda Beach Rescue mission series, we fought through the US Marines hitting the beach in their attempt to rescue their comrade from a local hospital before he is made the subject of a coerced propaganda interview. We tried out version 2 of my own house-ruled version of Team Yankee.
The Scenario
During Operation Sun Tears, LT Ingram, the Marine FO/FAC was badly wounded and captured by Syrdan militia. He was rushed to one of the best hospitals in Syrda, the Clinique Chirurgie Dyrnah, for surgery.
The Syrdan authorities moved quickly, planning to exploit the propaganda value of their prize. Once he was sufficiently patched up, the Marine would be participating in a televised interview on the Syrdan national afternoon talk show, broadcast internationally. He would be explaining himself and apologising for American's unprovoked aggression against Syrda before President El-Bad himself:
"And how did you find your stay at our hospital Lieutenant?"
"Ah... yes sir, it was a very pleasant stay thank you Mr President, and I will add that I am incredibly apologetic and grateful to you, Mr President, and the medical staff and the Constitutional Republic of Syrda for saving my life with their remarkable skills and extraordinary medical facilities, which are beyond anything I have seen in American hospitals."
- (How the interview was going to go).
It would be a major propaganda blow against the Americans for sure. There was just one problem: the Marines knew exactly where LT Ingram was being taken: a hospital right next to a beach. The Marines had to move quickly though - once the POW's location was confirmed, they had a few hours before the TV interview. As the air battle above the beach turned momentarily in the Syrdan's favour (see Part 1), Marine AAVs and LCUs ploughed their way through the waves to the beach.
Table setup - Syrdan forces are deployed as blinds (coloured counters). |
Missile strikes and elite raiders
Two Tomahawk cruise missiles, accurately targeted, landed on the Syrdan Patriotic Forces militia headquarters in the city, pinning them in place, inflicting light casualties and destroying several of their trucks. While this was happening, Marine Force Recon teams infiltrated the TV broadcast tower, spooking a nearby Syrdan mortar platoon, which fled the area. They quickly rigged the tower with plastic explosives and demolished it, but were quickly attacked and killed or dispersed by Syrdan T-55 'Enigma' tanks.
Marine Force Recon destroy the TV tower as Syrdan tanks close in, achieving their secondary objective and foiling LT Ingram's interview. |
The Marines land
Marine AAV-7s arrived on the beach and made their way inland, deploying one platoon into the wooded area near the beach to assault Syrdan machine gun positions. A second Marine Recon team, which has sneaked into position atop a high rise building, began calling in naval gunfire support, inflicting damage on Syrdan militia and a platoon of 'Iberrani' Syrdan foreign legion troops which had entrenched themselves among the palm trees between the wooded area and the city.
The Marines land. |
AAV-7s (GHQ miniatures). |
The Iberrani infantry are hit hard, losing most of their trucks to naval gunfire (GHQ miniatures infantry, CinC miniatures trucks). |
Syrdan air force MiG-21s streaked in along the beach, strafing and dropping dumb bombs, pinning the dismounted Marines but otherwise causing little damage. "Where is aviation?!" Marines were asking (see Part 1 about where Marine air support went).
Syrdan MiGs streak in (Scotia Grendel miniatures). |
Strafing the Marine AAVs. |
Marine armour lands, Syrdan reinforcements show up
Marine LCUs showed up and deployed USMC M60s and LAVs, backed with anti-tank and FO HMMVWs. With the Syrdan President in the area, Syran mechanised forces from the 84th Brigade were nearby in a QRF role and showed up almost immediately (I rolled a lot of 6s for Reinforcements and got almost everything in Turns 3 and 4). Syrdan T-74 Asad tanks rushed to cover the beach while BTR-70s, led by their battalion commander in his off-duty truck, raced along the road to reinforce the militia garrison in the city.
My opponent's amazing hand-made LCUs with tanks (from GHQ miniatures) aboard. |
More Syrdan troops arrive (CinC BTR-70s and an Heroics & Ros flatbed truck). |
Infantry combat
The US Marines eliminated an Iberrani DShK position, but as the second platoon continued rolling forward in AAV-7s, the vehicles were hit by RPG fire and destroyed, with many casualties among the Marines aboard. The surviving Marines fought on, pouring down fire against the enemy from behind an embankment.
US Marine armour and infantry anti-tank weapons successfully engaged and destroyed three Syrdan T-74s and T-55s without loss to themselves, and the Marine riflemen and naval gunfire took a heavy toll on the Iberrani infantry platoon.
However, with the Marines still pinned down on the beach, the full Syrdan force in position in the town and guarding the hospital, it looked like a rescue of LT Ingram was not going to be possible without a lot of heavy fighting. (Also an entire gaming club of 40K players was starting to arrive for their nightly league, so it was time to wrap up the battle). The US Marines quickly and professionally fell back to rearguard positions and the LCUs returned to extract them, covered by gunfire from the US Navy.
While the embarrassing interview of the Marine POW was not going to happen, the unfortunate Lieutenant remains in Syrdan custody.
US Marine armour landing via LCUs. |
Notes on the rules and scenario
Overall it was a reasonably good game. Visually it was great. My scenario rules though could have been better - the Marines needed more forces (including their air support) and the Syrdans should have been poorer quality (perhaps). However, the Syrdans did get very lucky with reinforcement rolls and my opponent could have been more aggressive (in the Hit the Beach scenario, the attacker really needs to start his attack early and go in hard and fast while he has the numerical advantage).
The modified Team Yankee rules we were using had some good aspects (specialised Marine Force Recon units and the use of blinds for initial deployment). Team Yankee shooting and assault rules themselves are simple and effective.
However, Team Yankee is not really designed to reflect very significant qualitative asymmetry between opposing forces, rather near-peer opponents. In fire combat alone, in Force on Force for instance, skill decides who fires first, how good a unit is in defence, and how good it is in attack (and their are four skill levels and various other nuances too). Whereas in Team Yankee, skill only affects how hard a unit is to hit. For this reason, I am considering up-scaling Force on Force for 6mm company-level battles rather than continuing with altering Team Yankee to have Force on Force characteristics. Will see how that goes.